Monday, November 5, 2012

One or Many?

And so here we are again. Almost another year over any my 2012 plan of becoming a regular blogger ... well look at the posts and make your own judgement.  While admitting failure is never easy, claiming persistence and determination to try again is a strength and just trying again is a character building experience.

One thing I have learnt this year is that maybe the idea of trying to run a number of blogs with different focuses is not the best way forward. 

And so I am going to try and just blog regularly here and then maybe link in the other blogs where relevant. Sarah is my hero in that regard. Sarah's Blog

I am also not going to worry too much about finding the right graphic. (I can waste hours doing that).

And I am going to work out exactly how to back this up as last year I lost ‘access’ and then had to go through heaps of stuff to get it up again. 

I follow heaps of other blogs with tips, tricks and ideas. On a daily basis I think “Wow great idea!  I should do that”

Roll on 2013. My year of doing (not just thinking and planning!)

(Hummm – but my first thought then was I should just spend a few hours sorting out stuff and organising my future posts!)