Things 4 KZ to DO

A place to record things I want and need to do as a record of my journey and learning.

The other purpose will be to track how many of my ‘to dos’ actually get done!

Feel free to comment with helpful tips and gentle reminders if and when things stay too long not completed.

lol Feel free to see the comments on the home page.  This is a static document and I can't do not post to it.  For NOW ... I'll just keep adding to it.

15/6/11 (now in reverse order)
6. Try to find out if the poor people subscribed to my blog are getting 'updates' about me updating this list! - If so .. STOP doing it - it must be driving them crazy!

1. Add a page to a blog - Done
1a. Understand what a 'static page' does and means - DONE (and I didn't even realise I had to do / learn this :) ...  more to come later ...
2. Just found the 'do a new blog post' in word ... - Work out how to use that! and where the 'documents' are published
3. Add the other blogs I like to google reader so I can add them here
4. Ask if 'other ppl' can see the 'little grey tool thingies' when they see my blog
5. BEGIN the rest of the list in reverse order :) - DONE